Green Bay Doulas

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Jamie Raisleger
Affiliated Doula

Services Provided:
Labor Doula

Birth Story Medicine Sessions

Jamie grew up in Door County, WI in the country with her four younger siblings and has been married to her husband, Kris since 2013. Their son, Lincoln, joined the family in 2019. Jamie felt deeply called to doula work after she supported her three sisters through their first births. She believes that women’s bodies are intelligently designed for the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth and also believes that each woman deserves the option to experience birth on her own terms.

Jamie became interested in healthcare, science, and the healing arts at a young age, and she pursued a Human Biology undergraduate degree with an emphasis in pre-medicine. She changed paths after experiencing the reversal of her own chronic illness through naturopathy and holistic wellness. She is now an ardent advocate of whole-person health which has extended into a whole-person philosophy of pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum timeframe.

Jamie recognizes that giving birth is a life-changing experience, and through her doula work she became fascinated by how birth changes the people it touches. She became a certified Birth Story Medicine Listener to help women, partners, and their birth providers process their experiences. Her goal through this work is to hold space for her clients’ experiences and help them expand their perspective, address and start to resolve birth trauma, and feel lighter as they move through life with their newfound sense of self-compassion.